10月 2024
- 寂静岭:暴雨/Silent Hill: Downpour
- 灵魂绑定:冥界物语/Soulbind: Tales Of The Underworld
- 菜市场模拟器/Old Market Simulator
- Reka
- 极限竞速:地平线5/FORZA HORIZON 5联机版(全DLCs)(更新:V1.663.817.0) 66评论
- 变形金刚:银河试炼/Transformers: Galactic Trials
- 天空海洋:佣兵之翼/Sky Oceans: Wings For Hire
- 炼狱颂歌/Simulakros
- 欧罗巴/Europa(全DLCs)
- 琥珀岛/Amber Isle(全DLCs)
- 宝石少女 1st.cut:The Reason She Must Perish
- 仓库猎人模拟器/Storage Hunter Simulator
- 超级马力欧派对:空前盛会/Super Mario Party: Jamboree
- 崛起的定居点/Settlements Rising
- 胡闹废品场/Tipston Salvage
- 最后一次见你/Last Time I Saw You
- 死光导演剪辑版/Deadlight: Director’s Cut
- 魔界战记/DISGAEA 7(全DLCs)
- 明治东京恋语:满月/Meiji Toukyou Renka: Full Moon
- 一次机会:世界机器版/OneShot: World Machine Edition
- 仿生即往生/Let bions be bygones
- 再来一次/Extra Coin
- 虚空穹牢/Vault of the Void(更新:V2.6.15.0) 3评论
- 林间小世界/Tiny Glade(更新:V1.9.0b)
- 女神异闻录5皇家版/P5R(更新:V1.0.2) 7评论
- 黑相集:希望渺茫/The Dark Pictures: Little Hope
- 王国保卫战5:联盟/Kingdom Rush Alliance(更新:V20241003)
- 地牢佣兵/Dungeon Mercenaries
- 死亡季节/Dead Season
- 动物训导师模拟器/Animal Trainer Simulator
- 乐高® 哈利·波特™合集/LEGO® Harry Potter™ Collection
- 王国:两位君主/Kingdom Two Crowns(全DLCs)(更新:V2.0.1)
- 帕夏时代/Roots of Pacha(更新:V1.2.0.5)
- 传说法师2/Wizard of Legend 2
- 全球农场主/Global Farmer
- 寂静岭2:重制版/SILENT HILL 2: Remake 7评论
- 游戏咖啡馆模拟器/Gaming Cafe Simulator
- 七龙珠 电光炸裂!ZERO/DRAGON BALL: Sparking! ZERO 4评论
- 鬼向/Gwihyang: Homecoming
- 灵魂溶解/Anima Flux
- 浣熊硬探:心跳飚车党/Tails Noir: Rebel Rush
- 黑色间歇泉:黑暗的信使/Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness
- 枪匠模拟器/Gunsmith Simulator(更新:V1.0.5)
- 方块战略/Block Strategy
- 星尘战线/Breachway
- 游戏制作大亨/Game Builder Tycoon
- 幻恋夜宴: 恋恋的幻觉夜宴/Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi
- 碧蓝幻想 Relink/Granblue Fantasy: Relink(全DLCs)(更新:V1.3.2) 12评论
- 爱情大师/Master of Love
- 海绵宝宝:派大星游戏/SpongeBob SquarePants: The Patrick Star Game
- 钢铁指挥官/Mechabellum
- 近畿霊務局/Kinki Spiritual Affairs Bureau
- 要战便战/Diplomacy is Not an Option(更新:V1.0.3R)【正式版】
- 地狱办公室/Hell of an Office
- 单车快递公司/Parcel Corps
- 午餐夫人/Lunch Lady
- 战鼓啪嗒砰3/Patapon 3
- 战鼓啪嗒砰2/Patapon 2
- 药剂大亨/Potion Tycoon(更新:V1.0.6)